Have you ever encountered a frustrating situation where your Power BI Usage Metrics Report suddenly stops refreshing? Don't worry; I've got you covered with a step-by-step guide on how to resolve this issue. Let's dive in!

You may have noticed a message at the bottom suggesting you check the credentials. However, you might face a challenge because the Usage Metrics Report dataset is hidden and not accessible in the list of datasets within your workspace. So, even if you wanted to delete it and start afresh, you wouldn't be able to do so directly from the workspace. But don't worry, there's a solution! You can delete the Usage Metrics Report dataset using the Power BI Rest API.
One of the major reason of not getting refresh is person who generated usage metric report is no longer part of you Organization.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this:
Begin by launching a Windows PowerShell session.
Verify Power BI Cmdlets Installation Before starting, it's essential to verify if the Power BI cmdlets are already installed on your machine. Open an elevated Windows PowerShell session and run the following command:
Get-Module -Name MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt -ListAvailable
If the cmdlets are listed, you already have them installed. If not, install using below code-
Install-Module -Name MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt
3. Next, you'll need to log in to Power BI. Execute the below command to do so:
4. Retrieve Workspace ID To find the ID of the workspace where the Usage Metrics Report dataset resides, follow these steps:
Open your Power BI workspace in a web browser.
Examine the URL and locate the long GUID that appears after "powerbi.com/groups/". This GUID represents the workspace ID. Copy this value for later use.
5. Get Dataset ID Now let's retrieve the ID of the Usage Metrics Report dataset within the workspace. Run the following command:
Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod -Url groups/WorkspaceId/datasets -Method Get
This command will return a JSON response containing detailed information about all the datasets in your workspace, including their IDs. Scroll through the response until you locate the dataset with the "name" field set as "Usage Metrics Report." Copy the corresponding ID value.
6. Delete the Dataset To delete the Usage Metrics Report dataset, execute the following command:
Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod -Url groups/WorkspaceId/datasets/DatasetId -Method Delete
7. Restart the Usage Metrics Report Return to your Power BI workspace, navigate to one of your reports, click the three dots menu, and select "View usage metrics report." This will initiate the process of generating a new Usage Metrics Report for your workspace.
Following these steps should help you resolve the issue of a non-refreshing Usage Metrics Report by deleting and recreating again.
Thanks a lot it saved me😍
When I delete the dataset, there is a message "Dataset 5be4a6c5-f312-407f-9136-e0659a545a8d is not found". So, I haven't refreshed the usage metric report :<
I have found the following works - without the Powershell: https://app.powerbi.com/groups/<WorkspaceID>/managestorage?showHiddenUsageMetricsModels=1 just replace the <Workspace> id
Thank you for the instructions, they worked wonderfully!